• Over 200 airports worldwide
  • In over 50 countries
  • Over 350,000 interviews
  • Statistically reliable
  • Surveys on the day, at the airport
  • Independent & impartial
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The ASQ Survey is the world’s leading airport passenger satisfaction benchmark programme. It provides the most authoritative and extensive analysis of airport service performance available today. The ASQ Survey is trusted by over 200 airports around the world and more than 60% of the world’s 100 largest airports.

What sets ASQ apart from other airport rankings is its methodology. ASQ is not carried out via internet or email, nor is it linked to any kind of prize or other incentive for the interviewees. It is the only global survey to be based on an interview with the passenger on the day they travel and has been scientifically designed to provide a statistically accurate reflection of service levels in an airport. Every month, at all participating airports, departing passengers are interviewed at the gate while the experience is fresh in their minds. All airports use the same questionnaire (available in over 30 languages) and follow the same methodology. Customer feedback is measured on a range of service delivery parameters that track the customer experience from the moment of arrival at the airport to the departure gate.

Each participating airport receives the data from all other participants allowing it to identify best practice and to measure its own performance precisely. By providing a global benchmark of passenger satisfaction, ASQ enables airports to see where they stand relative to their peers and competitors. This helps airports prioritize improvement projects and validate investments in new facilities and services.

The ASQ Survey is part of ACI’s Airport Service Quality Initiative - a global initiative to improve the passenger experience at airports worldwide. Features include regular performance reports and ASQ forums for analysing implications of the results and sharing best practice.

All airports involved in the programme voluntarily and independently decided to join. These airports work together to create a culture of outstanding service quality, sharing results and best practices. A truly winning approach to global customer excellence.
